Perceived emotional intelligence, dispositional optimism-pessimism, life satisfaction and teachers’ personality in their initial training


Keywords: Perceived emotional intelligence, optimism/pessimism, life satisfaction, personality

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad de Jaén


This study explores the relationship between perceived emotional intelligence, dispositional optimism-pessimism, life satisfaction and teachers’ personality in their initial training, as well as to which extent these variables predict teachers´ satisfaction. A sample of 355 students from the university of Jaen (Spain) completed the Spanish version of the TMMS-24, LOT-R, SWLS and NEO-FFI scale. In terms of gender there are significant differences in optimism and pessimism, and in the kindness factor. In terms of age there are differences in pessimism, life satisfaction and some personality factors such as neuroticism and responsibility. The findings suggest that future teachers who have high levels of responsibility, optimism and extraversion would feel more life satisfaction. The variables considered in the regression analysis to predict life satisfaction explained 49.2% of the variance.


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Author Biographies

Nerea Cazalla-Luna, Universidad de Jaén

Doctoranda del Departamento de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Jaén.

David Molero, Universidad de Jaén.

Doctor y Licenciado en Psicopedagogía


Experto Universitario en Informática Educativa

Universidad de Jaén

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

Departamento de Pedagogía, área MIDE


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How to Cite
Cazalla-Luna, N., & Molero, D. (2015). Perceived emotional intelligence, dispositional optimism-pessimism, life satisfaction and teachers’ personality in their initial training. Journal of Educational Research, 34(1), 241–258.