Diagnosis of the mathematical competition of the most capable students
Supporting Agencies
The present study analyzes the results obtained by 102 students of fifth course of primary education with high mathematical, diagnosed capacity this by means of the Battery of Evaluation of the Mathematical Competition and by means of the following approaches: the student’s mathematical yield, the student’s interest for the mathematics in the professor’s opinion and according to the own student, mathematical aptitude measured by the tests Numeric Series and Numeric Problems, repetition or not of course and if it is or not diagnosed as student with high capacity, besides considering the modulating variables sex of the students and center type in which they have studied. It concludes that except the estimate trial of the tutors on the existence or not of mathematical aptitude in the students, the remaining approaches are effective and conclusive. As was of waiting is some differences among the students located in the two levels superiors of the battery, in favor of the highest.
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