Impact assessment of policies for the sociolabor insertion trough matching
Supporting Agencies
- Investigación fruto de la tesis doctoral financiada a través de la ayuda de apoyo a la etapa predoctoral del Plan Galego de Investigación
- Innovación e Crecemento 2011-2015 Xunta de Galicia (Plan I2C)
The Conference Active Labour Market Policies for Europe 2020 finding “ways to move forward” delineated two proposals that emphasize the importance of a systematic evaluation to determine the effectiveness of active labor market policies - (1) Member States should make more efforts to evaluate their ALMPs -, - (2) In order to have more impact, there is a need for a strongly developed evaluation dimension within the new European Employment strategy -. One of the main objectives to be achieved with the implementation of active policies to promote employment is the employment of its participants. This study aims to determine the impact of labor insertion program “Puesto a Puesto VII” through a matching analysis. The results obtained demonstrate the impact of the program on outcome variables.
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