Discrimination and exclusion of women in Chilean and Cuban school history textbooks


  • Andrea Renate Minte Münzenmayer Universidad del Bío Bío, Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Campus La Castilla, Chillán, Chile
  • Euridice González
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.33.2.196231
Keywords: Discrimination, exclusion, women, textbooks

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad del Bío Bío


We present the results of a qualitative study about women in textbooks of Chilean and Cuban History in a comparative analysis. The research question focused on establishing the representation of women in history textbooks. The goal was to characterize the presence of women in school discourses of official texts. The hypothesis argues that women have been invisible. The hermeneutic research was used to interpret and understand the discourses of the subject. It worked with a corpus of 15 History textbooks (10 Chilean and 5 Cuban) edited between 1996 and 2009 by different publisher companies. From the analysis of the data categories have been established based on Van Leuween (1996) such as: social actor; social role; representation; naming. Among the results, gender is not evident in Chilean and Cuban school history textbooks. This representation conveys a detected exclusion and discrimination of women in the official history of the two countries.


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Author Biography

Andrea Renate Minte Münzenmayer, Universidad del Bío Bío, Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Campus La Castilla, Chillán, Chile

Profesora de Historia y Geografía, Magíster en Educación mención Currículum, Doctora en Educación. Directora del Programa de Magíster en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, especialista en Didáctica de la Historia e Historia de la Educación
How to Cite
Minte Münzenmayer, A. R., & González, E. (2015). Discrimination and exclusion of women in Chilean and Cuban school history textbooks. Journal of Educational Research, 33(2), 321–333. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.33.2.196231