Erasmus mobility programme: driving force of the acquisition of intercultural competencies


  • Cristina Pozo Vicente Universität Bonn Dra. Cristina Pozo Vicente Universität Bonn Institut für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaft Lennéstr. 6. 53113 Bonn
  • José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Universidad de Huelva Dr. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Vicerrectorado de Tecnologías y Calidad Dr. Cantero Cuadrado, 6. 21071 Huelva
Keywords: Erasmus student Mobility Programme, Higher Education, German and Spanish Erasmus students, Intercultural competencies


The Erasmus student Mobility Programme plays an important role in the process of integration and consolidation of the European Union. It also promotes foreign language learning, learning about other Member States, and understanding of and unity among people from different cultures, which in turn increases awareness of European citizenship among students. Our main goal is to analyze in detail the acquisition of intercultural competencies of German and Spanish Erasmus students before and during their stay in a foreign country. We applied a multimethod model (or mixed method) based on both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The two instruments for data collection were a questionnaire and a focus group.

The sample group participating in our research were German and Spanish Erasmus students, who studied abroad during the academic year 2009/10 at German and Spanish universities. The analysis of results and the conclusions of our research provide important descriptive information about the state of affairs of foreign language learning and the use of the internet within the EHEA.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Pozo Vicente, Universität Bonn Dra. Cristina Pozo Vicente Universität Bonn Institut für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaft Lennéstr. 6. 53113 Bonn

Directora del Departamento de Español como Lengua Extranjera del Sprachlernzentrum de la Universidad de Bonn Alemania).

Docente de Español como Lengua Extranjera en la Universidad de Bonn.

José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, Universidad de Huelva Dr. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Vicerrectorado de Tecnologías y Calidad Dr. Cantero Cuadrado, 6. 21071 Huelva

Vicerrector de Tecnologías y Calidad la Universidad de Huelva.

Director de la revista científica "Comunicar".

How to Cite
Pozo Vicente, C., & Aguaded Gómez, J. I. (2012). Erasmus mobility programme: driving force of the acquisition of intercultural competencies. Journal of Educational Research, 30(2), 441–458.