The use of pictures in the research of history of education


  • Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: history of education, methodology, visual sources, school photograph

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad de Málaga


With the help of new technologies, the use of visual sources has enabled historians to broaden research topics and change, at least apparently, their research studies. In this article, after dealing with the complexity of the visual subject matter, we study how educational researchers have been using this element over the last decade. Even though many works use images as a complement to the text, we make three proposals to use images as sources, treating them like documents and submitting them to the process of selection, criticism and analysis supported in the historical method. Using images should allow us to question ourselves about new issues beyond the educational scenario and to broaden the spaces and times that we study. Finally, aware of the evocative power of images, we should take into account the emotional component frequently associated to them.


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Author Biography

Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco, Universidad de Málaga

Catedrática de Teoría e Historia de la Educación desde 1999. Directora del Dpto. de Tª e Hª desde 2001. Miembro del comité del PEP de CC. Sociales y Jurídicas de ANECA desde 2007.
How to Cite
Sanchidrián Blanco, C. (2011). The use of pictures in the research of history of education. Journal of Educational Research, 29(2), 295–309. Retrieved from