School, family and leisure in the balance of children’s daily routines


  • Raúl Fraguela Vale Universidad A Coruña
  • Juan José Lorenzo Castiñeiras Universidad de Saniago de Compostela
  • Lara Varela Garrote Universidad A Coruña
Keywords: work-life balance, family, education, childhood

Supporting Agencies

  • Programa Sectorial de Investigación Aplicada e I D de la Consellería de Innovación e Industria de la Xunta de Galicia (código 08SEC019214PR)


This paper examines whether socioeconomic conditions influence the work-life balance of families with children enrolled in Primary Education, and studies the influence of school in time management. The sample was made up of 1670 families with children enrolled in Primary Education from an urban area of Galicia, Spain. We gave them a questionnaire about work-life balance that covered the following issues: work-life balance level, factors that hinder this balance, services used to make this balance easier, and needs for educational services. The results show that gender, educational level and family income are key factors in the work-life balance. Work, home and school are the areas that make work-life balance most difficult to achieve. School is perceived as a problem for the work-life balance, although families admit the usefulness of some school services to manage their routines.


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How to Cite
Fraguela Vale, R., Lorenzo Castiñeiras, J. J., & Varela Garrote, L. (2011). School, family and leisure in the balance of children’s daily routines. Journal of Educational Research, 29(2), 429–446. Retrieved from