Tutorial action institutional programmes: Experience developed at the university of alicante


  • Cristina Lapeña Pérez
  • Narciso Sauleda Pares
  • Ángeles Martínez Ruiz
Keywords: higher education, tutorial action, collaboration


The University of Alicante has committed itself to the design and development of a tutorial relationship comparable to a collaborative space for learning personalisation where dialogue, communication and reflection prevail; an action based on the principles of network collaboration, commitment and reflection on practice.

This approach shapes the framework for the present research, the prime objective of which was to analyse the degree of effectiveness of a Tutorial Action Programme implemented at the University of Alicante during the 2006/2007 academic year, taking as a reference the perceptions, opinions and assessments of tutors.

The nature of the problem under study has guided the selection of a research design, the qualitative approach, having being chosen as the most favourable one in this case because it provides a descriptive answer to the problem. Furthermore, quantitative assessments will be drawn, which will allow us to quantify and infer categories.

The results of this research study provide some positive evidence that suggest that tutorial action implemented at the University of Alicante is a collaboration space which encourages learning and thinking along with the personal growth of students throughout their years at university.


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How to Cite
Lapeña Pérez, C., Sauleda Pares, N., & Martínez Ruiz, Ángeles. (2011). Tutorial action institutional programmes: Experience developed at the university of alicante. Journal of Educational Research, 29(2), 341–361. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/111171