¿Qué sabemos del posicionamiento STEM del alumnado? Una revisión sistemática de la literatura
Agencias de apoyo
- Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
El auge de la perspectiva educativa STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas, por sus siglas en inglés) en la investigación e innovación educativa ha dado lugar a la publicación de numerosos estudios que analizan la evolución del posicionamiento del alumnado hacia las disciplinas y actividades STEM. El objetivo de este estudio es sintetizar las principales contribuciones de estas investigaciones en la etapa escolar obligatoria con un especial foco en el interés, la capacidad, la autoeficacia y las aspiraciones. Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de publicaciones de los últimos 10 años (2011-2021) en las bases de datos más relevantes y siguiendo el modelo de la declaración PRISMA (Moher et al., 2009). El análisis temático de los 73 documentos incluidos constata la diversidad de aproximaciones al estudio de la identidad STEM, abordada desde un enfoque disciplinario o como identidad global. Se evidencian limitaciones relacionadas con alguno de los constructos considerados en el desarrollo de la identidad STEM que provocan desigualdades en el alumnado. Sin embargo, la influencia mutua entre los diversos constructos considerados permite profundizar en la caracterización de la identidad STEM del alumnado y orientar estrategias educativas que promuevan el desarrollo de una identidad STEM positiva.
Andersen, L., & Ward, T. J. (2014). Expectancy-value models for the STEM persistence plans of ninth-grade, high-ability students: A comparison between black, hispanic, and white students. Science Education, 98(2), 216–242. https://doi.org/10.1002/sce.21092
Archer, L., & Dewitt, J. (2015). Science Aspirations and Gender Identity: Lessons from the ASPIRES Project. En E. K. Henriksen, J. Dillon, & J. Ryder (Eds.), Understanding Student Participation and Choice in Science and Technology Education (pp. 89–102). Springer Editorial. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-7793-4
Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J. F., Dillon, J., Willis, B., & Wong, B. (2013). “Not girly, not sexy, not glamorous”: primary school girls’ and parents’ constructions of science aspirations. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 21(1), 171–194. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2012.748676
Archer, L., Moote, J., Francis, B., DeWitt, J., & Yeomans, L. (2017). The “Exceptional” Physics Girl: A Sociological Analysis of Multimethod Data From Young Women Aged 10–16 to Explore Gendered Patterns of Post-16 Participation. American Educational Research Journal, 54(1), 88–126. https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831216678379
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Carlone, H. B., & Johnson, A. (2007). Understanding the Science Experiences of Successful Women of Color: Science Identity as an Analytic Lens. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(8), 1187–1218. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea
Chapman, A., Rodriguez, F. D., Pena, C., Hinojosa, E., Morales, L., Del Bosque, V., Tijerina, Y., & Tarawneh, C. (2020). “Nothing is impossible”: characteristics of Hispanic females participating in an informal STEM setting. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 15(3), 723–737. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-019-09947-6
Chu, S. L., Schlegel, R. J., Quek, F., Christy, A., & Chen, K. (2017). 'I Make, Therefore I Am'. En Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17) (pp. 109–120), New York, USA. https://doi.org/10.1145/3025453.3025458
Couso, D., & Simarro, C. (2020). STEM Education Through the Epistemological Lens. In C. C. Johnson, M. J. Mohr-Schroeder, T. J. Moore, & L. D. English (Eds.), Handbook of Research on STEM Education (pp. 17–28). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429021381-3
Erete, S., Martin, C. K., & Pinkard, N. (2017). Digital Youth Divas. En Rankin, Y., & Thomas, J. (Ed.), Moving Students of Color from Consumers to Producers of Technology (pp. 152-173). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2005-4.ch008
Flowers, A. M., & Banda, R. M. (2019). An Investigation of Black Males in Advanced Placement Math and Science Courses and Their Perceptions of Identity Related to STEM Possibilities. Gifted Child Today, 42(3), 129–139. https://doi.org/10.1177/1076217519842213
Garcia, Y. V. (2013). A case study exploring science competence and science confidence of middle school girls from marginalized backgrounds [tesis doctoral, University of Northern Colorado]. Repositorio ProQuest. https://www.proquest.com/docview/1428371735
Garvin-Hudson, B., & Jackson, T. O. (2018). A case for culturally relevant science education in the summer for African American youth. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 31(8), 708–725. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2018.1478156
Grimalt-Álvaro, C., & Couso, D. (2021). Developing STEM Identities in Students in the “Big Middle”. Connections between Identity and Socioeconomic Level. In E. Carlton Parsons, R. S. Schwartz, D. Bressler, N. Makki, & J. Plummer (Eds.), NARST 94th Annual International Conference (p. 119).
Hazari, Z., Sonnert, G., Sadler, P. M., & Shanahan, M.-C. (2010). Connecting high school physics experiences, outcome expectations, physics identity, and physics career choice: A gender study. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(8), n/a-n/a. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.20363
Hinds, B. F. (2014). A study of the experience of female African-American seventh graders in a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) afterschool program [tesis doctoral, Eastern Michigan University]. Repositorio institucional. http://commons.emich.edu/theses/822
Johnson, C. C., Mohr-Schroeder, M. J., Moore, T. J., & English, L. D. (Eds.). (2020). Handbook of Research on STEM Education. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429021381
Kang, H., Calabrese Barton, A., Tan, E., D. Simpkins, S., Rhee, H. yon, & Turner, C. (2019). How do middle school girls of color develop STEM identities?. Science Education, 103(2), 418–439. https://doi.org/10.1002/sce.21492
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Kim, A. Y., Sinatra, G. M., & Seyranian, V. (2018). Developing a STEM Identity Among Young Women: A Social Identity Perspective. Review of Educational Research, 88(4), 589–625. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654318779957
Koch, M., Lundh, P., & Harris, C. J. (2019). Investigating STEM Support and Persistence Among Urban Teenage African American and Latina Girls Across Settings. Urban Education, 54(2), 243–273. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085915618708
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Lewis Ellison, T., Robinson, B., & Qiu, T. (2020). Examining African American Girls’ Literate Intersectional Identities Through Journal Entries and Discussions About STEM. Written Communication, 37(1), 3–40. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741088319880511
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Pinkard, N., Martin, C. K., & Erete, S. (2020). Equitable approaches: opportunities for computational thinking with emphasis on creative production and connections to community. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(3), 347–361. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2019.1636070
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Shapiro, J. R., & Williams, A. M. (2012). The Role of Stereotype Threats in Undermining Girls’ and Women’s Performance and Interest in STEM Fields. Sex Roles, 66(3–4), 175–183. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-011-0051-0
Sinclair, S., Nilsson, A., & Cederskär, E. (2019). Explaining gender-typed educational choice in adolescence: The role of social identity, self-concept, goals, grades, and interests. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110(Noviembre 2018), 54–71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2018.11.007
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Starr, C. R., & Leaper, C. (2019). Do adolescents’ self-concepts moderate the relationship between STEM stereotypes and motivation? Social Psychology of Education, 22(5), 1109–1129. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-019-09515-4
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