The parents’ perceptions of the sport, alimentary and academic habits of students from primary education


  • José Santiago Álvarez Muñoz University of Murcia
  • María De los Ángeles Hernández Prados Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Family, habits, sport, alimentary, school


Currently, many are the risks stalking the growth and development of the scholar population in different levels of their vital dimension, emphasizing the concerning of the parents in the alimentary, sport and academic aspects. The correct acquisition and support of the positive practices which contribute to create a good habit depend on the work between the two most important agents of collectivization: school and family. From this premise, 276 families coming from educational centers of different kind from a city from Murcia took part in this research. The instrument of data collection was a questionnaire, which included questions about the transmission and acquisition of such habits. The main difficulties found are the lack of time and resources. Besides, the parents consider that both the schools and themselves play an important educational role when working such habits, highlighting the importance of including these topics in the formal education as a transversal element. Nevertheless, it is of great need the creation of routes of communication and work between families and school.



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How to Cite
Álvarez Muñoz, J. S., & Hernández Prados, M. D. los Ángeles. (2016). The parents’ perceptions of the sport, alimentary and academic habits of students from primary education. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 19(3), 209–217. Retrieved from