Applicability and functionality of apps specifically for people with autism


  • Carmen del Pilar Gallardo-Montes University of Granada
  • Antonio Rodríguez Fuentes University of Granada
  • María Jesús Caurcel Cara Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Accessibility, usability, apps, autism

Supporting Agencies

  • Spanish Ministry of Education, Innovation and Universities (aid for university teacher training [FPU19/00026]


The creation of apps with good parameters of applicability and functionality is a complex and highly researched task nowadays, especially if the latest contributions of Neuroeducation and educational technology are taken into account. However, this task will require more attention when apps are created and designed for people with autism, where usability and accessibility are of vital importance. The purpose of this study was to learn the opinion and perception of professionals who work with people with autism on the functionality and applicability of apps specifically for this disorder. Taking a quantitative approach, with a descriptive design, we administered the DPTIC-AUT-Q questionnaire to 159 educators from Granada (Spain) who worked specifically with people with autism. In general, the participants showed a favorable perception of the functionality and applicability of the apps, but highlighted improvements that could be made in their accessibility and how they functioned. We found statistically significant differences according to the age of the participants and the area and educational stage they worked in. This study also underlines the importance of having accessible apps that make it easy for people with autism to use and take advantage of them.


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How to Cite
Carmen del Pilar Gallardo-Montes, Rodríguez Fuentes , A., & Caurcel Cara, M. J. (2024). Applicability and functionality of apps specifically for people with autism. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(3), 1–17.