Gamification: from curiosity to learning through emotion in the teacher’s master’s degree


Keywords: Learning, Active-learning, Challenge-based learning, Gamification, Teacher training


In the training of future teachers, we must focus on the development of necessary skills for future professional work, being essential the use of active strategies and methodologies that provide transferable and contextualized learning. The objective of this article is to describe a proposal built around challenge-based learning and gamification in the master's degree in teaching staff and to analyze its impact on students. The reference idea in it was that the students were able to develop the skills of the Vitruvian Teacher ("ideal teacher"), through different challenges connected with fictional characters. In this way, the meaningful and experiential learning of the students was favored. To evaluate the proposal, a qualitative methodology has been used, analyzing using the Nvivo sofware the testimonies that the students shared through Google Drive throughout the entire experience. The results indicate a positive impact on the learning of the students, who also highlighted the curiosity and expectation during the sessions, as well as the enjoyment and emotion that this subject generated in them. In conclusion, it is worth highlighting the training potential of the challenge-based learning and gamification pairing.


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How to Cite
Navarro Mateos, C., & Pérez López, I. J. (2024). Gamification: from curiosity to learning through emotion in the teacher’s master’s degree. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(1), 151–166.