Transition from Primary to Secondary School: Perception of teachers in initial learning


Keywords: Transición, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Formación Inicial

Supporting Agencies

  • Esta investigación se ha podido realizar gracias al Proyecto de Investigación del Programa Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I D I), con el título de “La Transición a la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Impacto y consecuencias pedagógicas (TESO.ICP)” financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigación (Proyecto I D I TESO.ICP Ref. PID2019-109994RA-I00).


The transition from Primary to Secondary school supposes a very important change in the educational period, where great challenges and threats appear, that must be identified so that an efficient adaptability of the students occur. For this reason, we have designed a research whose objective is to analyse the perception of teachers in initial learning in secondary school teachers on the transition from Primary to Secondary School, and if there are differences according to their specialty in the subjects. The information collection instrument used was a Likert-type scale with 5 possible answers and structured in 4 dimensions: Academic Challenge, Social Challenge, Academic Threat and Social Threat. The participants were 152 students of the Master of secondary school teachers of the University of Malaga. A quantitative methodology was used for the analysis, descriptive and contrasting. The results showed a medium-high perception of the challenges and threats involved transition from Primary school to Secondary Education at school, in addition to this, differences were observed in the perception of teachers in initial learning about the transition, especially differences were found with the group of Educational Guidance with the group of Social Sciences -Geography and History and Philosophy- and with the group of Labour Guidance and the group of Health Processes. 


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How to Cite
Aranda, L., & Fernández-Martín, E. (2024). Transition from Primary to Secondary School: Perception of teachers in initial learning. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(1), 89–101.