An analysis of problems of coexistence in schools in Catalunya. Suggestions for improvements


Keywords: Primary education, school violence, conflict resolution, prevention measures


This article aims to analyse the main conflicts that occur in infant and primary schools (from the ages of 3 to 12) in Catalunya, and the mechanisms schools use to prevent and resolve them.

A 30-question digital questionnaire was sent to school management teams in Catalunya and 481 replies were received.

The results showed a low level of conflict, with minor conflicts attributed to external causes, especially highlighting the inconsistencies between the values imparted in schools and in society. They also showed that proposals for improving coexistence are varied (curricular, organizational, professional and community-based) and that, for them to succeed, the participation of teachers and the motivation, awareness and leadership of management teams are essential.

Finally, the following areas of interest should continue to be studied: the importance of leadership; the need to share valuable school experiences; and the importance of initial teacher training in dealing with conflicts in schools.


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How to Cite
Felip Jacas, N., Puiggalí Apelluz, J., & Tesouro Cid, M. (2024). An analysis of problems of coexistence in schools in Catalunya. Suggestions for improvements. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(1), 225–239.