Permanent training as a predictor of success in the digital competence of Education teachers carrying out the online tutorial action
The self-perception in digital competence of teachers has been studied in depth in recent years. However, these studies have rarely focused on the process of tutorial action and how to perform this action digitally between the tutor and the students, the teachers and the family. The main objective is to analyze the incidence of continuing education as a mandatory requirement for self-perception of teachers regarding their digital competence. For this purpose, an ex post facto design was used with a sample of 1069 pre-school and primary school teachers from all over Spain. The results showed that teachers who had previously received training in educational technology had a higher level of competence than those who had not been trained. In addition, the gender of the teachers was not a significant predictor of their level of digital competence in communicating with other teachers or with families, but it was found to be a significant predictor of their level of competence with their students. Finally, the use of digital resources such as Twitter and blogs increased this competence for teachers who already had previous experience, while for those who did not have this experience, the most significant resources were blogs and WhatsApp.
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