Polyhedra with Neotrie VR immersive virtual reality software, an experience with prospective teachers
Supporting Agencies
- Proyectos FEDER-Junta de Andalucía (UAL2020-SEJ-B2086)
- PROFESTEAM del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PID2021-128261NB-I00)
The use of Immersive Virtual Reality for the teaching and learning of mathematics is a line of growing interest, where empirical research is needed on the impact of its inclusion in the classroom. We present a study carried out with student teachers, in which NeoTrie VR software is used in an experimental group to work on the notion of polyhedron, following the Vinner framework. The analysis of quantitative data shows the most common errors made by students when identifying the classes to which a set of three-dimensional figures belong. The contrast of results of the experimental group with a control group yields significant differences, which imply that working with the software contributes to the acquisition of a richer and more connected mental image of the concepts studied. The students of the experimental group have been able to identify to a greater degree the relevant characteristics of the polyhedrons, their types and connections between them, as well as to reduce the errors detected in the initial test.
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