Association between conditioning factors of training of transfer and the application of learning in the training programs of Childhood and Primary Education
The transfer of training to the workplace acquires a precursor role in the study of the effectiveness of training. The objective of this research is to determine how the conditioning factors of the transfer affect the subjective perception of childhood education and primary education teachers on their ability to identify situations of application of the knowledge, skills or aptitudes developed in a training context. It is a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study; the sample is 558 teachers; the instrument used presented a reliability level of 0.83 (Cronbach's Alpha). The results obtained show that certain conditioning factors of the transfer of permanent teacher training are associated, in a significant way, with the percentages of detection of situations of application of the knowledge, abilities and skills developed in the training activities of the training programs of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education included in the training plans of the CPR Region of Murcia.
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