Design and validation of an instrument for assessing teaching competences within the framework of teacher professional development


Keywords: self-assessment, key competences, professional development, teachers

Supporting Agencies

  • Proyecto financiado con el soporte del Programa Erasmus de la Comisión Europea.


This paper presents the process of creating an instrument for assessing teaching competences applicable throughout various professional life cycles. After designing and validating a global theoretical framework of the teachers’ key competences, the steps followed for the construction of the rubrics associated with the various competence levels are detailed, as well as the competence perception questionnaires linked to each of the grades of the scale established by the rubric. A pilot application is carried out in order to validate the tools created, in addition to obtaining a first preview of the results of a teacher training program in China. The results, collected in terms of perception of the improvement in competence development, allow us to suggest achievements in the improvement of competence linked to community action, initially low, and in assessment competence. Regarding validation, the data collected, in the absence of further analysis, allow us to see that these are valid rubrics and questionnaires to self-assess the level of competence development and proceed, within the framework of professional development processes, to their continuous improvement.


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Author Biographies

Laia Lluch Molins, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa

Elena Cano Garcia, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa


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How to Cite
Lluch Molins, L., & Cano Garcia, E. (2022). Design and validation of an instrument for assessing teaching competences within the framework of teacher professional development. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 25(2), 79–91.