Emerging technologies in the teaching-learning process: Towards the critical thinking development


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.435611
Keywords: Critical thinking, emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, education


The use of information technologies, as mediation between the learning-teaching processes, has supposed the conception and new design of paradigms that helps to define new didactic and pedagogical proposals, with the objective of propitiating places and methodologies that transcend the traditional ones. This research it is focused on characterize the use of emerging technologies (ET) as mediation for critical thinking development in the last ten years. In this sense, the use of artificial intelligence in education, its characteristics and the expert systems architecture were analysed. The method used to collect the information was the documentary analysis of different scientific articles. It is concluded that emerging technologies are a scientific agent that are characterized by constant evolution andn the last years they have become one of the most developed trends in the field of education.  However, in the specific case of artificial intelligence, it has not yet reached its state of maturity and there is no evidence of studies that relate it to the critical thinking development.


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Author Biography

Claudia Lengua Cantero, Corporación Universitaria del Caribe

Docente investigadora facultad de humanides y educación CECAR


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How to Cite
Lengua Cantero, C. ., Bernal Oviedo, G., Flórez Balboza, W., & Velandia Feria, M. . (2020). Emerging technologies in the teaching-learning process: Towards the critical thinking development. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 23(3). https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop.435611