Digital competence of the teaching staff to attend to students with learning difficulties. A theoretical review


Keywords: learning disabilities; technology; digital competence; ADHD.


The use of new methodologies in the educational field, such as the use of technology, has a positive influence on the reduction of learning difficulties presented by primary school students in general and those suffering from some type of disorder such as ADHD in particular.  This is the origin of the interest in carrying out this study, through which we wish to analyse the current situation of the scientific literature present in the Scopus database, in relation to the use of ICT in education with respect to learning difficulties. The results show that in the last forty-four years (1975-2019) the existing publications on the subject in question have increased significantly, going from publishing one document in 1975 to producing fifty-nine in 2019, that is, from a production of 0.014% to 8.79%. The scientific literature shows a first increase in 2010 (44 publications) until reaching 59 in 2019, which makes us think that it will continue to increase in the coming years. The study ends by proposing to carry out a study of similar characteristics in the databases of Dialnet, Web of Science or Google Scholar.


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How to Cite
López Núñez, J. A. ., Campos Soto, M. N., Aznar Díaz, I., & Rodríguez Jiménez, C. . (2020). Digital competence of the teaching staff to attend to students with learning difficulties. A theoretical review. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 23(2).