Relationship between academic performance and development of self-regulation strategies in universities students
We study the relationship between student´s self-perceptions of their declarative and procedural knowledge and their academic performance. 116 university students, in their first and second year of their degree courses participated in two studies. One was quasi-experimental (before-after-no control group), in which the independent variable was “learning based on self-regulation strategies” and the dependent variable was “their responses to scales on metacognition and information processing skills) taken from ACRA (learning strategies scales). A second descriptive-correlational test analyzed the triadic relation between metacognitive strategies, information processing skills and learning outcomes. The results point out to differences in student self-perceptions regarding the acquisition of declarative procedural competencies after self-regulation training. The greatest effectiveness was observed in the first year, lending support to university learning-teaching methodology based on self-regulation strategies.
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