Public speaking skill. A teaching experience with universitary students


Keywords: Interaction, public Speaking, cross curricular competence, university

Supporting Agencies

  • Servicio de Orientación y Formación Docente de la Universidad de Extremadura


The consolidation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in universities has led to significant changes in student training. In this teaching experience we intend to provide resources that enable university students from Teacher Degree in Education Faculty of University of Extremadura to develop the cross curricular competence of public speaking. The results lead us to discuss the possibility of offering a workshop to students in order to contribute to the development of cross curricular competence of public speaking, and to enrich their potentialities as teachers.


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Author Biography

Maria Teresa Becerra Traver, Universidad de Extremadura

Profesora Contratada Doctora

Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación

Facultad de Educación

Universidad de Extremadura

How to Cite
Becerra Traver, M. T. (2017). Public speaking skill. A teaching experience with universitary students. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 20(3), 117–129.