The teacher of audition and language: education, experience and access


  • Antonio Luque de la Rosa Universidad de Almería
  • José Juan Carrión Martínez Universidad de Almería
Keywords: Teacher of audition and language, initial training, lifelong learning, work experience

Supporting Agencies

  • Tesis Doctoral


Having  spent twenty years of business and professional development from the emergence of speech and hearing teacher (AL) traveling, it seems appropriate to reflect on the role he has been playing  this figure in order to  apprehend the things considered to improve the approach to adopt towards  to promote the quality of  its educational activities.

On the other hand, while at the training curriculum of these professionals has been affected and diminished in its specificity because of the new grading structure and terms, in terms of occupation that figure has become a teaching specialty from the publication of Royal Decree 1594/2011 of 4 November (BOE 11/09/2011).

This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the construction of this professional profile, making a tour of the training received, previous experience of maintaining a labor and how to access the jobs they perform.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Luque de la Rosa, Universidad de Almería

Director del Secretariado de Orientación Educativa y Vocacional

Profesor Contratado Doctor en el Departamento de Educación

José Juan Carrión Martínez, Universidad de Almería

Vicerrector de Profesorado y Ordenación AcadémicaProfesor Titular en el Departamento de Educación
How to Cite
Luque de la Rosa, A., & Carrión Martínez, J. J. (2013). The teacher of audition and language: education, experience and access. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 16(2), 39–54.