El hombre supera infinitamente al hombre: el mundo, el demonio y la carne en "La Sotana" de Rodrigo Rubio
La sotana, a novel by Rodrigo Rubio published in 1968 reflects the torment experienced by a part of the Spanish clergy in the Franco era and in the years following the Second Vatican Council. The purpose of this article is to deepen the topic by analyzing the acctitude and reflections of the different characters that animate its pages. Furthermore, we want to highlight the deep relationship between the text of the Albacete writer and the novel by George Bernanos Diario de un cura rural, published in France in 1936 and spread in Spain since the early sixties. Finally, we want to underline the presence in La Sotana of several elements
of formal renewal. Despite being a realistic novel, it presents some narrative techniques so popular in Spain since the publication of Tiempo de Silencio in 1962.
Baquero Goyanes, Mariano, Estructuras de la novela actual, Barcelona, Planeta, 1970.
Bernanos, Georges, Diario de un cura rural, Barcelona, Círculo de Lectores, 1966.
Castillo-Puche, José Luis, Sin camino, Madrid, Destinolibro, 1983.Cifo González, Manuel, Rodrigo Rubio: vida y obra literaria, Universidad de Murcia: Tesis doctoral inédita, 2007.
Martín Rodríguez, José Luis, Historia de España. Edad contemporánea, Madrid, Taurus, 1998.
Martín Vigil, José Luis, Los curas comunistas, Oviedo, Richard Grandio, 1965.
Rubio, Rodrigo, La sotana, Barcelona, Plaza y Janés, 1ª edición 1968, 1975.
Saint-Pierre, Michel de, Los nuevos curas, Barcelona, Luis de Caralt, 1965.Soldevila, Ignacio, La novela desde 1936, Madrid, Alhambra, 1980.
Soldevilla, Ignacio. La novela desde 1936, Madrid, Alhambra, 1980.
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