Reversos y crisis del código del honor barroco: hacia el esperpento de Valle-Inclán


  • Sergio Arlandis
Keywords: Esperpento, theatrical, grotesque expressionism, honor


The lines that flow into the Ramon María del Valle-Inclan’s esperpento, are varied and serve very different reasons and legacies: one is, from our particular perspective, Baroque concept of honor, seen as a grotesque distortion of ethical and moral values, led to an ideological and social end. Based on this model of Calderon de la Barca will be unquestionable, both with respect to own term of honor, and by the constant references in the Valle-Inclán’s theatre gave about her figure and values underpinning theatrical representation of Spanish culture.


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How to Cite
Arlandis, S. (2016). Reversos y crisis del código del honor barroco: hacia el esperpento de Valle-Inclán. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (21), 193–210. Retrieved from