El hipertexto como ficción sin marco: paradigma del fin de la autonomía del arte


  • Enrique Ferrari Nieto
Keywords: epistemology, reality, «total» novel, webpage, Ortega y Gasset, escape


The hypertext (although it recognizes itself as a novel’s debtor) proposes a new mechanism absolutely porous to the reality against the autonomy that the novel demands itself since its beginning at XVIIth century. This is why its ontological constitution changes.

As paradigm of autonomous piece, the «total» novel includes the start and the end of the fiction’s reality inside the novel (including the narrator) because nothing can be outside the narration. However the hypertext or hyperfiction hasn’t any frame because it is opened to the reality without any restriction with the hyperlinks among webs. The hypertext mix fiction and non fiction webs. This is why the reader’s escape from his daily reality to a new unreal world would be impossible for Ortega y Gasset.


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How to Cite
Ferrari Nieto, E. (2010). El hipertexto como ficción sin marco: paradigma del fin de la autonomía del arte. Monteagudo. Revista de Literatura Española, Hispanoamericana y Teoría de la Literatura, (15), 119–135. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/monteagudo/article/view/117681