Francophone Moroccan Novel in the Light of Code-Switching


Keywords: Moroccan literature, Code switching, Lexicalized word, French language, Loanword


French-speaking Moroccan literature is open to linguistic influences that recall its birth but also its essence. If it is true that French gives her her linguistic argan, the fact remains that she is also turned towards her origins which provide her with food for thought. In this sense, Arabic, classical or dialectal, Berber, borrowings from languages in contact with local dialects make this writing a tower of Babel, high in languages. There are many ways of inserting his influences. Our text will try to study them by bringing out the different interconnections between French and the other languages in contact, mainly the Moroccan dialect and the lexicalized French borrowings.


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Author Biography

Abdelaziz Amraoui, Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech (Maroc)

Docteur en langue française, Professeur Assistant


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24-04-2023 — Updated on 26-04-2023
How to Cite
Amraoui, A. (2023). Francophone Moroccan Novel in the Light of Code-Switching. Estudios Románicos, 32. (Original work published April 24, 2023)