Literature-medicine and scenography of the psychological trauma in "J'ai le SIDA" by Blasius Ngome


Keywords: literature-medecine, sociocriticism, psychocriticism, trauma, AIDS, scenography


Literature-medicine (2015) is a fictional variant that addresses issues of disease in the literary space. In I have AIDS, Blasius Ngome presents a character weakened by a psychologically destabilising apprehension: he thinks he is the bearer of HIV/HIV. The author then leads the reader in the maze of a suspenseful story whose plot is punctuated by numerous digetic maneuvers. How does the narration of this malaise develop, which plunges the hero of Ngome into a haunting traumatism that subjugates him from the beginning to the end of the story? Socio-criticism and psycho-criticism guide our reflection. Both take into account the immanence of literary analysis. Moreover, the first theory fits skillfully into the second, while the second opens the way to a "bewitching network" and a display of the author's "personal myth" that is negotiated through the constituent elements of diegesis. We conclude by examining the outline of the demiurge's message in the face of this pandemic that continues to ravage in the cities of the world many decades after the discovery of its existence.  


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Author Biography

Pierre Suzanne Eyenga Onana, Université de Yaoundé 1

Maître de Conférences à l'Université de Yaoundé I au Cameroun, monsieur Pierre Suzanne EYENGA ONANA s’intéresse aux modalisations littéraires du vivre ensemble ; à l’épistémologie du texte littéraire africain et africain-américain contemporain, ainsi qu’aux questions de féminismes et des Gender Studies. Contributeur à divers colloques en Afrique et en Europe (France-Dijon et Nancy), il est l’auteur d'une soixantaine d’articles scientifiques et de quatre ouvrages dont Jacques Fame Ndongo : le scribe du génie africain (L’Harmattan-Paris, 2019). Il travaille actuellement à la publication de deux autres ouvrages critiques.



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How to Cite
Eyenga Onana, P. S. (2020). Literature-medicine and scenography of the psychological trauma in "J’ai le SIDA" by Blasius Ngome . Estudios Románicos, 29.