Preservation, modification of structuring of minimum topic segments in reader’s letter: contribution to the history of brazilian portuguese


Keywords: Brazilian Portuguese, Discourse tradition, Discourse topic, Textual organization


In this work, we consider Eugenio Coseriu´s conception about language levels and understand that a process of textual construction as such does not belong to any language (historical level), but to the individual level of texts. In these terms, a given process can be repeated, over time, in a set of texts related to a genre and be configured as a discursive tradition. In this sense, our objective is to analyze the permanences, modifications or exclusions of the internal structuring of minimum thematic segments in a set of reader’s letters that constitute the corpus of the Project History of Brazilian Portuguese in Rio Grande do Norte (PHPB-RN). We have observed patterns of repetition, exclusion, and insertion which mobilize subunits of two prototypical rules of intra-topic structuring, connected to the genre’s communicative purpose, which constitutes a discursive tradition. In the present case, an unstable tradition.


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Author Biography

Clemilton Lopes Pinheiro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Professor de linguística na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), em Natal, Brasil. Tem publicado diversos artigos, no Brasil e no exterior, e orienta dissertações e teses no domínio dos estudos do texto/discurso. Suas pesquisas abordam a estrutura e a organização do texto/discurso. Também se interessa pela história das ideias linguísticas.


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How to Cite
Lopes Pinheiro, C. (2020). Preservation, modification of structuring of minimum topic segments in reader’s letter: contribution to the history of brazilian portuguese. Estudios Románicos, 29.