Teacher's role in emergency e-learning by covid-19 in a chilean dental school


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.639731
Keywords: COVID-19, Online education


Confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic forced educational institutions around the world to quickly adapt to emergency remote teaching (ERE). This abrupt change posed significant challenges in Higher Education. In this context, it is crucial to understand how teaching roles are perceived to adapt in the process of virtualization. Thus, the research question is: How do students, teachers and academic administrators perceive the role of the teacher in the emergency virtualization of the dental career at a private university? The objective of this research is to describe and interpret the perceptions of an educational community regarding the role of the teacher in the ERE period. To do so, we based ourselves on the perspective of the good health teacher, according to Harden and Crosby. The study is framed within qualitative research with a phenomenological interpretative approach and a micro ethnographic theoretical-methodological design through the application of semi-structured and semi-standardized interviews. The data were analyzed by coding and triangulation, generating open and axial matrices and a final selective matrix, and contrasted with the six categories of teacher roles. It was revealed that, although educational continuity was maintained, the remote emergency format significantly affected and compromised all teaching roles. The need for face-to-face presence for procedural content was highlighted, with the role model sub role being the most affected. Future research on virtual education in the context of ERE is suggested in order to broaden the understanding of the phenomenon and prepare better for similar contingencies or move towards a hybrid modality in the dental career.


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How to Cite
Diaz Trujillo, A., Romo, V., & Pavez Alfaro, H. (2025). Teacher’s role in emergency e-learning by covid-19 in a chilean dental school. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.639731

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