Burnout syndrome in professors and residents of surgical programs at a public university
Occupational burnout is related to psychosocial risks such as high social exposure and long working hours. This phenomenon is observed in medicine, although each speciality faces different challenges. Objective: To determine the presence of occupational burnout in teachers and residents in surgical programmes at a public university and the main characteristics of the related academic and care environment. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study developed between August and November 2021. 36 professors and 48 residents of surgical programs at the Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia participated. The survey contained sociodemographic information, habits, description of environments and the MBI-HSS, PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scales. Results: The presence of burnout was not found among the teachers, 32% of the residents fulfilled the criteria for burnout. Discrimination by subscales identified high and moderate presence of emotional exhaustion in both teachers and residents, high levels of depersonalisation in residents, inversely proportional to the levels of personal fulfilment. 28% of teachers showed some level of anxiety and 31% different levels of depression. In residents 84% had some level of anxiety and 59% had varying levels of depression. Factors in the academic care environment related to emotional exhaustion included spending more than 60 hours per month in the hospital, a high number of shifts and patients per shift, night shifts and less rest time, findings that coincide with the depersonalisation subscale. Conclusions: The presence of burnout is related to depressive and anxious symptoms. More than one third of the sample of professors and residents presented depression and anxiety, being more frequent in surgeons in training. Postgraduate surgical students show a high presence of occupational burnout syndrome, with significant emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and low personal fulfillment, in contrast to their teachers, who show emotional exhaustion, anxiety and depression, but not occupational burnout.
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