Higher education: Training in Addictions


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.619311
Keywords: addictions, drug addiction, medicine, nursing, psychology, Higher Education


The Complutense Drug Addiction Institute was created to train professionals who worked with addicted people, due to the problem of the heroin pandemic that caused high youth mortality in the 1980s.Taking a tour of the training given to medicine, nursing and psychology professionals who joined forces to respond to social needs, makes us glimpse how the problem of addictions has been changing over time and with it the training of professionals. The general objective is to reflect the changes in teaching and the training that is currently being given. For this, retrospective descriptive qualitative methodology has been used, through documentary analysis. The results show the need to continue training in health professionals and highlight the lack of postgraduate training in Higher Education, especially focused on the public system. It is concluded that the need for continuity of training in health professionals is evident since it is shown as a fundamental improvement in professional praxis and as an essential tool to treat addiction problems that emerge today.


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How to Cite
Lozano Molina, A., & Gómez del Pulgar, M. M. (2024). Higher education: Training in Addictions. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.619311

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