Perceived self-efficacy to provide humanized care among final year nursing students
Introduction: It is essential to analyze students' self-assessment of their ability to provide humanized care and relate to their patients, as it is an element that allows the identification of areas to prioritize in training, as well as the identification of strengths in this process. Objective: To assess the perception of self-efficacy to provide humanized care among students in the last year of the Bachelor of Nursing program at a private higher education institution in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Methods: Descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study. Sixty-seven students were interviewed using the Caring Efficacy Scale questionnaire. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 35.54 years (SD=7.89), and they were mostly female (74.63%), single (58.21%), with children (64.18%), working in open areas (68.66%), with seniority between 6 and 10 years (34.33%), one job (82.09%), between 3 and 5 patients in charge per shift (46.27%), and perceiving a high workload (55.22%). It was found that the students' perception of their self-efficacy to provide humanized care and relate to the patient was mostly positive and high at 68.66%. Conclusions: Relationships were found between sociodemographic and work variables and some items of the instrument. The variables age, gender, having children, work area, number of patients cared for, perception of workload and work seniority had an impact on the perception of self-efficacy to provide humanized care.
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