Overview of 'Disability' Among Students in Health-related Fields
The WHO estimates that 1 in 6 people worldwide has some form of "disability", with a higher risk of diseases such as depression and obesity. Social determinants of health influence the inequity in resource distribution. In Chile, since 1975, legal modifications have been made to ensure proper diagnosis and follow-up of students with "disabilities". Although there have been advances in education, concerns about inclusion in higher education persist. Efforts to promote inclusion and diversity in health and education institutions are highlighted. A more inclusive language such as "neurodiverse conditions" or "specific health conditions" is suggested.
OMS. Disability. [citado 13 de mayo de 2024]. Disponible en: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/disability-and-health
Determinantes sociales de la salud - OPS/OMS | Organización Panamericana de la Salud 2024 [citado 14 de mayo de 2024]. Disponible en: https://www.paho.org/es/temas/determinantes-sociales-salud
Gutiérrez-Saldivia X, Rivera-Gutiérrez C, Henríquez-Alvear L, Melivilu Neveu R. Evaluación de necesidades educativas especiales en Chile: análisis diacrónico de la política educativa (1975-2010). Areté Rev Digit Dr En Educ Univ Cent Venezuela. 2023; 9(17). http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_arete/article/view/26273
Parra DL. Necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo del alumnado con discapacidades sensorial y motora. Summa Psicológica 2013; 10(2). http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0719-448x2013000200006
Navarro D, Gárate F. Experiencias inclusivas en la educación superior chilena. https://oei.int/oficinas/chile/publicaciones/experiencias-inclusivas-en-la-educacion-superior-chilena
Singh S, Meeks LM. Disability inclusion in medical education: Towards a quality improvement approach. Med Educ. 2023 Jan;57(1):102-107. https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.14878
Murphy MJ, Dowell JS, Smith DT. Factors associated with declaration of disability in medical students and junior doctors, and the association of declared disability with academic performance: observational study using data from the UK Medical Education Database, 2002–2018 (UKMED54). BMJ Open. 1 de abril de 2022;12(4):e059179. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059179
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