Assessment of COVID-19 impact on University of Antofagasta’ medicine un-dergraduates’ psychological disorders.


Keywords: Medical students, COVID-19, mental health, undergraduates, psychological disorders

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The radical changes produced by the pandemic brought with them psychological disorders as a result of the measures adopted for it’s management. In their adaptation, university students presented difficulties in accademic performance and increasing dropout. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the frequency of psychological syntoms on medicine undergraduates from Universidad de Antofagasta. This is a correlational, observational, and cross-sectional study. A sociodemographic questionnaire and GHQ-12 (Goldberg Health Questionnaire) were administered to 85 medicine undergraduates from Universidad de Antofagasta (UA).  As to mental health, the global score was very high (31,7 out of 38), indicating that students may be suffering from emotional disorders and poorer mental health, the emotional area being the most affected. In addition, 31,8% used psychoactive substances and 18,8% reported facing conflicts and violence occasionally.  As to psychological well-being, social functioning, and coping, undergraduates showed better results, compared with other populations, probably due to a proactive attitude for facing problems associated with the pandemic. However, as to mood, results were worse than those reported on a world basis, thus reinforcing the idea that undergraduate population vulnerability increases with environmental crises. 


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How to Cite
Pereyra, M., Fuentes, M., Navarro, M. J., Montenegro, F., Diaz, K., Bradanovic, C., … Delgado, V. (2024). Assessment of COVID-19 impact on University of Antofagasta’ medicine un-dergraduates’ psychological disorders. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 5(2).