Validation of an instrument to determine students' perception of the educational environment and its impact on mental symptomatology and academic performance.
Background: There are information gaps about the perception that students have of the factors of the educational environment that favor the manifestation of mental symptoms and how it impacts on academic performance. Objective: Determine the content validity of an interview script through expert judgment. Method: An interview type instrument was designed with nine open questions that refer to the educational environment, mental symptoms, and academic performance, aimed at students in the health area. The evaluation of the questions was carried out based on the univocity and relevance scales using the Carrera, Vaquero and Basells method. Results: six questions obtained univocity and relevance indices ≥0.8, so they met the criteria of being generally understood and interpreted in only one way, in addition to being mostly adequate and/or relevant for the population to be studied. Instead, the questions: How would you describe your college and how do you feel in it? And what changes do you think are necessary in the educational environment to reduce mental symptoms? they obtained indices <0.8, so they were modified in their wording. Subsequently, they were sent in a second round of evaluation to the experts, in which they obtained indices ≥0.8. Conclusion: there is a valid interview script in its content to know the perception of the students of the health area about the educational environment and its implications in mental health.
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