Listening to the actors of a pediatric emergency microcurriculum


Keywords: Pediatrics, Education, Medical, Graduate, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Curriculum


The search for quality in medical education is a trend. We ask ourselves the question: what is the perception of the emergency rotation of the specialty of pediatrics? And as a general objective, we set out to develop a diagnosis of the current micro-curriculum of the Pediatric emergency rotation carried out by first-year residents, through the experience of the people involved with it. A qualitative study and purposeful sampling were designed following inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data was collected through focus groups in which 18 people participated (graduates, professors and residents). The presence of the study quality criteria was verified: credibility, reliability, validity, transferability and confirmability. After analyzing the groups, five categories were found: Curriculum management; Pedagogical processes and Evaluation at the rotation site; Clinical practice; Generic skills, Interpersonal relationships and well-being; and Relationship university - hospital and professors. At the end of the study, the current microcurriculum was diagnosed through the experience of its actors and several components of the current microcurriculum were found compatible with each of these categories, which will facilitate incorporation into the future microcurriculum.


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How to Cite
Mosquera, B., & Acero-González, A. (2022). Listening to the actors of a pediatric emergency microcurriculum. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 3(1).

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