Effectiveness of a special peer-tutoring program in thelearning of anatomy
(1) Introduction. Anatomy is fundamental for students in the area of health and is a subject that causes high levels of difficulty. Because of this, universities have used peer-mentoring programs, as a strategy to provide academic support for students during the course, however, methods used in anatomy mentorship and their usefulness are unknown. Therefore, the objective of this research was to recognize the effectiveness of a special peer-mentoring program in the learning of anatomy. (2) Methods. This research describes the design and implementation of a special peer-mentoring program compared to traditional peer-mentorship for anatomy students of the physiotherapy program of Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (Colombia). This was conducted in different stages: In the first stage, peer-mentors were interviewed. In the second and third stages both peer-mentoring programs were applied to the students and in the last stage the evaluation of both programs was carried out to later analyze the information. The students' perception and the evaluative results obtained throughout the research were taken into account. (3) Results. The most used activities by the Anatomy peer-mentors were anatomical models, quizzes and atlases. The students preferred the special peer-mentoring program, in which the favorite activities were games and laboratory activities. (4) Conclusions: It was possible to establish the difference between a traditional and the special peer-mentorship and the effectiveness of the special one in the learning of Anatomy was recognized.
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