Factors associated with the use of information and communication technologies in family medicine residents.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are tools used to process, manage and share information through various technological supports. The teaching of medicine has been influenced since its inception by the development of science in general and medical sciences in particular, current medical practice has constituted a guide for conducting the training process of the doctor at different times, which entails the introduction of ICT in the expansion of training processes that use these means of communication and information in the exchange of medical information. The current need for every professional to have basic knowledge in the area of English, IT and management, medicine does not escape this situation. Objective: To analyze the factors associated with the use of ICT in Family Medicine (MF) resident physicians of the Family Medicine Unit No. 24 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS); The Information and Communication Technology Instrument was applied to resident physicians, published by Veloz MG et al. 2012. 59 residents were studied, 98.6% have a laptop, 98% have internet at home, 69.5% have participated in online courses, an association was found between academic degree and level of internet proficiency with a p = .013, no association was found between academic degree and lack of English language proficiency p = .43. We conclude that ICTs are increasingly being incorporated into the training and updating processes of resident doctors. The lack of command of the English language does not hinder the use of the internet, the generation gap in the use of ICT is closing every day, these tools being useful in the clinical field of our residents
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