Design and implementation of non presencial clinicalrotation for non radiation oncologist in an academicradiotherapy service during COVID-19 pandemic


  • Andrés Rosa Valencia Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Español Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Tomás Merino Lara Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: Español


Introduction: Covid-19 pandemic has presented challenges in medical education of residents visiting radio oncology services. The aim of this study is present an experience of design and implementation of a non presential clinical rotation in an academic radiotherapy service. Methods: A Kern’s six steps aproach will be used. Results: It’s presented an experience based in identification of problems and general assesment of needs, evaluation of specífics needs of studient and educative enviroment, propouse definition and learning objetives, selection of metodologies and educative strategies, implementation and experience evaluation. Conclutions: Is posible to develop non presential rotation in radiotherapy services during covid-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite
Rosa Valencia, A., Español, & Merino Lara, T. (2021). Design and implementation of non presencial clinicalrotation for non radiation oncologist in an academicradiotherapy service during COVID-19 pandemic. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 2(1), 101–106.