Historicidad y estructura de la experiencia estética. Una propuesta desde Hans-Robert Jauss


  • Pol Capdevila
Keywords: Hans-Robert Jauss, Kant, aesthetic experience, aesthetic historicity, intersubjectivity


Two main perspectives define the aesthetic experience: one, as historically contingent, the other, as universal in one of its features. The first part of this article reviews one of the most influential theories about the historical contingency of the aesthetic perception, namely, Walter Benjaminʼs theory, and criticizes some of its relativistic outcomes. In contrast to that, the second part of the text attempts a theory based on the work of Hans-Robert Jauss. This proposal tries to respect the different aesthetic phenomena in different ages, while at the same time searching a basic structure to explain them within a unity. These reflections show that the solution to this dichotomy between historicity and universality depends directly on another important approach, that is, the intersubjectivity of the aesthetic experience. We develop this concept from the kantian third Critique.


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How to Cite
Capdevila, P. (2007). Historicidad y estructura de la experiencia estética. Una propuesta desde Hans-Robert Jauss. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (42), 125–144. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/daimon/article/view/95961