El proceso de redefinición de la violencia contra las mujeres: de drama personal a problema político


  • Ana De Miguel Álvarez
Keywords: gender violence, violence, feminist theory, sexual politics, feminist movements, frame analysis


In the last decade the interpretation of violence against women has undergone a radical change. It has moved from viewing violence as part of the private sphere to making it fully visible in the public sphere. Emphasis has been given to the structural character of violence and its relationship to the dominant patriarchal order, in effect, to its political nature. This article reconstructs the process of redefining gender violence and highlights the crucial role played by the theory and practice of feminism. To this end, it examines feminism from the standpoint of new theories on social movements to gain insight into its role in constructing new analytic frameworks.


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How to Cite
De Miguel Álvarez, A. (2007). El proceso de redefinición de la violencia contra las mujeres: de drama personal a problema político. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (42), 71–82. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/daimon/article/view/95911