On the different rhythms of law and Artificial Intelligence De-synchronization as a social pathology
Supporting Agencies
- Este estudio se inserta en el Proyecto Coordinado de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo “Ética discursiva y Democracia ante los retos de la Inteligencia Artificial” PID2019-109078RB-C21 y PID2019-109078RB-C22 financiado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033.
The aim of this paper is to study the temporal de-synchronization that occurs, within the European Union (EU), between technological innovations in Artificial Intelligence and its legal regulations. To do that, I base on a thesis formulated by Hartmut Rosa, a German sociologist close to the Critical Theory of society, according to which the temporal structures of politics are no longer compatible with the pace of change in some others social spheres. This produces a new form of social pathology, which Rosa calls "risks of de-synchronisation", and whose most worrying effect must be sought in the displacement of decision-making processes from the political sphere to faster areas of society, fundamentally the market. To analyze this problem, I first reconstruct the thesis of desynchronization as a social pathology derived from acceleration. Then, I map the AI legislation process at EU level. Finally, I defend the thesis that this legislative process, which is certainly very admirable, has consistently come too late.
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