Geopolítica de un nuevo orden mundial: Carl Schmitt y las fronteras de la globalización


  • Laila Yousef Sandoval Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: borders, Carl Schmitt, globalization, Grossräume, sovereignty


All geopolitical change represents the creation of a new order and this entails the alteration of the spatial conditions and, therefore, the modification of the way of understanding borders. Carl Schmitt, especially in his last stage, aimed at delineating a new international configuration made up of large spaces (Grossräume), once the time of sovereignties typical of the Ius publicum europaeum was over. The goal of this study is to analizy to which extent and how Schmitt 's analytical tools around borders can be useful to understand the current state of globalization.



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How to Cite
Yousef Sandoval, L. (2022). Geopolítica de un nuevo orden mundial: Carl Schmitt y las fronteras de la globalización. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (87), 219–234.
Monográfico sobre Fronteras, democracia y justicia global