Syllogism as a Combination in Alexander Of Aphrodisias


Keywords: Combination, Syllogism, Aristotelian logic, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Theophrastus


In the ancient commentary on Aristotelian logic, the Greek term συζυγία (syzygía) refers to the combination of two propositions that have one or both terms in relation. The term turns out to be the genus from which the three deductive rules of Aristotelian logic are specified: conversion (if both terms are common, but change their order), opposition (if both terms are common, but do not change their position) and syllogism (if a single term is common). Such teaching is not explicit in Aristotle, but his main commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias along with other authors of his time and later already knew it. This work shows that Alexander introduces this term together with a dialectical model that identifies the syllogism with the proof that solves a problem, which in turn is defined as that which does not have a proof. This emphasis shifts the commentary's perspective toward the task of finding combinations of premises that solve a problem. The article suggests that this dialectical model derived from the notion of combination and comes from previous authors, since the use of the term is attested in Cicero and even Aristotle himself uses it in the Topics. The article suggests the importance of Theophrastus in the development of this term.


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How to Cite
Correia Machuca, M. (2024). Syllogism as a Combination in Alexander Of Aphrodisias. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (92), 177–190.