El escepticismo salvaje de Chantal Maillard


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon.444841
Keywords: Skepticism, epoché, Eastern philosophy, poetry, infinite, voidness


The main goal of this work is to delve into the work of the poet and thinker Chantal Maillard, deepening the relationship that her philosophy has with ancient skepticism. We also wanted to analyze her poems from this hermeneutic framework since Maillard’s poetic word adjusts itself as a bridge between her thought’s own possibilities and the limits of representation. Tellingly, we have used some leitmotivs in her work (withholding of assent, self-extinction, silence, limits of language, etc.) that allow us to refer to her thought as wild skepticism.


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Author Biography

Vicente Ordóñez Roig

Departamento Filosofía y Sociología

Profesor Asociado


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How to Cite
Ordóñez Roig, V. (2023). El escepticismo salvaje de Chantal Maillard. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (88), 111–124. https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon.444841