Poder político fiduciario y soberanía popular. Libertad política, confianza y revolución en la filosofía política de Locke


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon.432081
Keywords: poder fiduciario, libertad política, derecho natural, revolución, soberanía popular, Locke


Modern republican theory of the revolutionary conception of popular sovereignty had a fundamental link in the political philosophy of John Locke, who elaborated an argument in favour of the natural freedom and autonomy of judgment of individuals, and against the natural subjection and alienation of political freedom. He conceives of political authority as a fiduciary political power instituted for the end of public good. When the trustees act for ends other than those entrusted, arbitrarily or for his own interest, trust is forfeited and the exercise of political power returns to the hands of the free people.


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How to Cite
Mundó, J. (2020). Poder político fiduciario y soberanía popular. Libertad política, confianza y revolución en la filosofía política de Locke. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (81), 35–50. https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon.432081
Monográfico 2020 Relaciones fiduciarias: libertad, propiedad y bienes comunes