Crimen, conexión y castigo: una objeción a la perspectiva retribucionista de la pena de muerte


Keywords: death penalty, retribution, personal identity, relation R, responsability


This paper raises an objection to the retributive view of the death penalty. If we take a psychological approach about what morally mat-ters, our intuitions on retribution and merit could be significantly modified. The claim that death penalty is the fair retribution to certain kind of crimes presuppose in the executed the existence of an underlying entity which would remain identic to itself troughth all the diachronic subjective changes. If this entity does not exist, or if its continuity is not what matters, the retributive nature of the death penalty could be considerably reduced.


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How to Cite
Terán, D. (2023). Crimen, conexión y castigo: una objeción a la perspectiva retribucionista de la pena de muerte. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (88), 23–36.