The hermeneutic situation from a gnoseo-anthropological point of view. A dialogue of K.O. Apel with and against M. Heidegger.


Keywords: Anthropology of knowledge, facticity, Karl-Otto Apel, language, Martin Heidegger, hermeneutic situation


When it comes to describe the ingredients of the hermeneutic situation from which reality is understood and interpreted, it is possible to emphasize some of them or others. Whereas the traditional interpretation of Heidegger's hermeneutic proposal has highlighted the previous way of seeing (Vorsicht), the community language (Vorgriff) or even the things themselves subject of interpretation (Vorhabe) are emphasized in the hermeneutic model of Apel's anthropology of knowledge. The main aim of this paper is to compare and evaluate both proposals, showing the advantages of the gnoseo-anthropological transformation of the hermeneutic situation within the contemporary philosophical framework.


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Author Biography

Laura Molina Molina, Universidad de Granada

DAAD postdoctoral researcher, Internationales Zentrum für Philosophie NRW (IZPH) Universität Bonn.


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How to Cite
Molina Molina, L., & Nicolás, J. A. (2019). The hermeneutic situation from a gnoseo-anthropological point of view. A dialogue of K.O. Apel with and against M. Heidegger. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (78), 141–153.