
  • Reyes Mate
Keywords: excepcionalidad, memoria, biopolítica, justicia


The political philosophy acknowledge, from Aristotle, that the politics is the relation between the party (the part) of the richs and the party (the part) of the poors. That which it make to the politics so problematic and important is that -Aristotle adds- only the poors been interested in a rational agreement. after twenty four century, Benjamin repeats the same idea: there is two readings of the same reality. On the one hand, the reading of the progress that judge the history like improvement; on the other, the point of view of the oppressed «for who the exception state is constant». The purpose of this paper is to show a universality «from the margin». that is to say, from the margined by the false universality is the subject of a political philosophy that express in a figures the same as the social contract or the consenus, that they abstact from the reality.


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How to Cite
Mate, R. (2002). EL MARGEN DE LA POLÍTICA. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (27), 9–29. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/daimon/article/view/12301